Design School: Logan Killen Interiors

September 18, 2017

Thanks for tuning back in for our second Design School interview! I’m thrilled to have the New Orleans duo, Katie Logan LeBlanc and Jensen Killen, Logan Killen Interiors here today. I have a serious #ladycrush on LKI and would totally let them have free rein to re-design my home someday – that’s how much I love their style! Plus, can you get much cooler than curating a home decor shop and design studio on Magazine St. in New Orleans?

The store, called Sunday Shop, is designed to impart the feeling of a perfect Sunday. They really got me with this description, “Calm, sunny, and clean, white linen billowing in the breeze, jazz playing, incense in the air mixed with lemon and herbs, fresh greens and flowers from garden all, something roasting in the oven…a holistic retail experience for all of the senses.” Who is ready for a girl’s trip?

I’m also a big fan of their design philosophy, “LKI believes in creating environments that make our everyday lives beautiful and easy.” Bringing beauty and ease into everyday life — I think this is something many designers strive to do for our clients in this crazy, busy and often complicated world. Katie and Jensen do it so well! Hope you enjoy their interview and inspired interiors.


1. One of the greatest lessons I ever learned:

Take the time to get to know your clients and how they live in the beginning and really listen to them throughout the project. It takes time to learn how to do this.

2. One of the hardest things for new designers to learn:

There are many right answers and different styles. Be open. Good design is good design. Keep your eyes open to all that you can learn from something you don’t like at first glance.

3. What I’d change about my job: 

We work too much and are on the computer more than we would like.

4. If I could design anyone’s home it’d be:

Our own! Haha

5. When I’m uninspired, I turn to:

Taking a walk, going to art museums or galleries, or drinking wine and reading design books and magazines. Sometimes you need to just STOP thinking about it for the right solution to present itself.

6. In my college dorm room, you’d find: 

Lots of chairs

7. My best work comes out of:

Constantly learning about new designers and really studying the details. It is not about copying them, but about opening your mind to unique solutions.

8. My favorite part of a project is:

Pulling the color, material, and color scheme together. The beginning is usually the most creative and fun. Installation day is pretty darn great too.

9. My favorite splurge:

Lighting and Art

10. My favorite thing to collect:

Plants and Art

11. I’ll be happy if I never see another:

Ceramic tile meant to look like wood! What is that?!

12. The paint color I’ve used more than any other:

Beside White Dove, maybe Off Black by Farrow & Ball. We also love greens!

15. The quality I most love clients to have:


16. The quality I most hate clients to have:

Indecisiveness or never being able to be satisfied. Usually they go hand in hand and are part of a deeper issue.

17. The source you’d be surprised to know I use:

We use them all! CB2 is killing it.

18. The best advice I’ve ever received about maintaining a work/life balance:

Not sure, but you will burn out and be unhappy if you never take any time for yourself. Some people like to work really hard in spurts and then really detach from work while others prefer an even keel or leaving at a normal hour everyday. Learn what works for you and make sure you take care of yourself and your creativity.

19. My favorite room in my home:

Kitchens are pretty much the best.

20. My favorite up-and-coming designer:

Studio Ashby is a current obsession

Are you ready to move to New Orleans?! I am, especially if I can work with Logan Killen : ) Big thanks to Katie and Jensen for sharing some of their advice and tips with us.

Cheers, XO


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Meet Claire

Claire’s creative energy comes from her unique perspective on the world as both a trained interior designer and a passionate yoga teacher. Her affinity for kitchen design, timeless style and eclectic decorating are shared here, along with lots of interior design education and tips. Thanks for being here, please enjoy!

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