Lately I’ve been dreaming about two things, 1. My client’s homes (there are many days I wake up debating paint colors) and 2. TRAVEL. I have a major case of wanderlust at the moment. It’s been more than three years since I’ve lived abroad. My boyfriend (now husband) and I lived in New Zealand for all of 2011. It was a pretty epic adventure, and possibly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I do have hope for another travel adventure in my lifetime, but it was not easy to move across the world for a year, so here’s hoping we make it happen again someday.
If you are thinking about a major trip or adventure, I want to share with you the best piece of advice I got when deciding if I could quit my job, and make the trip a reality back in 2010. The advice came from my dad, whose always been my travel inspiration. As a young girl, I remember hearing him reminisce about his trek to Everest Basecamp as a highlight of his life. I was hemming and hawing about leaving my good job, which I actually really liked, and was scared taking the time off would stunt my “career” future. Dad said the following in so many words, “When you are 60 and look back at your life…are you going to remember if you worked [at your job] for three years versus four, or will you remember the year you set out for adventure in New Zealand?”
Dad’s advice really stuck with me and I decided to make the leap. I can honestly say it was one of the best things I’ve ever done. I sincerely hope if you have a travel or vacation dream that you find a way to make it happen. Travel (or a working sabbatical, which is what I called leaving the country for one year) is not only inspiring, full of new challenges and opportunities – it is just plain eye-opening (and soul opening) to get out of your comfort zone for awhile. Until we can all travel again here are some colorful and far away exteriors, which are keeping me inspired and full of wanderlust here in gloomy Chicago at the moment!
Wellington, New Zealand. Luke and I stealing a kiss in front of one of my favorite exteriors, the boat house.
So much beauty, so little time! Send any New Zealand travel questions my way!
Claire’s creative energy comes from her unique perspective on the world as both a trained interior designer and a passionate yoga teacher. Her affinity for kitchen design, timeless style and eclectic decorating are shared here, along with lots of interior design education and tips. Thanks for being here, please enjoy!